
Simplesmente, já farto de reenviar aqueles e-mails que "às vezes até têm piada !", apeteceu-me e criei este blog onde vou postar esses ditos e-mails que por minha auto-recriação e soberana vontade, penso que serão dignos de tal ! Nota: Depois de muitas e diversas tentativas frustradas para conseguir que o raio do alojamento de blog's me aceitasse algum nome, eis que me lembrei: " algum nome há-de dar !" e tentando este mesmo, para minha surpresa, até que enfim !

sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2009

Tough Love vs. Spanking...

Tough Love vs. Spanking - Good Argument

Most people think it improper to spank children, so I have tried other
methods to control my kids when they have one of 'those moments.'

One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride
and talk.

Some say it's the vibration from the car, others say it's the time away from
any distractions such as TV, Video Games, Computer, IPod, etc..

Either way, my kids usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car
ride together. Eye to eye contact helps a lot too.

I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you
would like to use the technique.

This works with grandchildren,
nieces, and nephews as well.

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